To err is human; to forgive - canine. - Anonymous

Thornedge Aimin' High - Onyx

AKA Everest, Ev

DOB: June 17, 1998

NAFA Points

By Kathy

This little tri-colored Sheltie came into my life sort of by accident. I was “dog sitting” one spring day and his mom, Impy, was in the house, in season. I had the males outside with me. A friend went into the house, and you guessed it, Impy got out. We caught them within minutes, after they all took a lap around my pickup truck. We thought nothing about it until 3 weeks later, when Impy started showing signs of being pregnant and we had to confess about the escape. We found out later that TJ, Everest’s sire, was very potent, and apparently one run around the yard was enough.

On June 17, 1998, at 2 am, I helped deliver the litter. Within an hour, Everest had climbed out of the whelping box, earning his name. From that morning on, I found myself bonding with this little guy. I knew I had something special when Everest was 4 months old, He scooted out of the house and as I ran to catch him, I found him sitting by my truck, barking at me and wanting me to take him for a ride. He has never left my side in our 9 years together. He is my little co-pilot when we go on road trips.

We moved to Houston, Texas from Ohio in November of 1998. Everest started learning to love tennis balls in the spring of ’99 when my friend Liby and I played “monkey in the middle” with him. He has been tennis ball crazy ever since. In August of 2006 he sired a litter of 5 puppies, all blue merles, and has passed the passion of chasing a tennis ball onto his children. We joined the Gulf Coast Mavericks when I moved to Texas, and moved to the Flat Out Flyers for the rest of our flyball career. I thank all of his dogfriends and owners for all the support we have received when we started to get close to achieving this award. I never thought I would see an Onyx award with my dogs’ name on it.

When Everest was 2, a pet communicator told me that Everest was my “soul-mate” and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for me. His job is to get me up in the morning (which he does the first time the alarm clock goes off), and to keep me busy. And boy, he sure keeps me busy! We have spent a lot of time on flyball these past 7 – 8 years, but Everest loves to play agility and do some obedience too. His favorite pastime would be eating everything he can get into his mouth, and his second favorite is chasing a tennis ball. If those pastimes have me in there somewhere he is happy with that too. He is my “little fuzzy face”, “my little man” and he always will be. I love him to death!

Photos by Mark Fletcher, Castoways Photography, Agile Images, Bobby Jones and a host of friends! This page is a work in progress!