The little dog laughed to see such sport ...

Prince Marco Polo - Onyx

NAFA Points

Marco, a ball-crazed 10 pound Pomeranian, was destined for flyball. His earliest puppy pictures show a very small Pom with a big yellow tennis ball. Too large for conformation, I had to find an outlet for Marco's excess energy. The obedience ring did not appreciate his vocal enthusiasm, and he didn't enjoy agility because there was no ball involved. Hence, flyball! Marco is a fearless competitor, not realizing that he's a toy dog. He's been known to go over 14" jumps in his quest for the ball and won't stop running even after being run over by numerous larger teammates. Marco loves attention and adores having his picture taken. He especially enjoys it when large crowds, such as at Reliant and Memphis, gather to watch HIM play flyball. Marco is the number 3 ranked Pomeranian in NAFA and the 3rd to earn an ONYX. He is a featured athlete in the book "Living with a Pomeranian." In his spare time, Marco enjoys travelling in his carseat and being alpha dog over his brothers, Trevor (Pomeranian) & Zulu (Standard Poodle), and his big sister, Isabel (Maine Coon cat).

Photos by Mark Fletcher, Castoways Photography, Agile Images, Bobby Jones and a host of friends! This page is a work in progress!