To err is human; to forgive - canine. - Anonymous

Gypsy - FM

NAFA Points

By Marian:

I adopted Gypsy (formerly Mama) from a CAPS foster home in August of 2004. She was found by the side of a highway with her four pups. She's probably an Aussie or BC mix, but as anyone who owns a mix knows, it's always interesting and entertaining to listen to speculation on what her ancestry might be, and that often includes some type of sighthound.

My main concern in adopting was getting an adult dog that was cat friendly, or at least tolerant. Gypsy proved to do well with my cat and her behavior was good in the house when left. I had been told that she loved toys and although she could be very timid at times, oved to play fetch and jump. After obedience class, my first venture ever into the world of dog training (making use of a coupon I had been given by CAPS), we enrolled in "fun" agility since she seemed rather athletic.

In the meantime I decided to check out flyball after someone joked that she would make a great flyball dog. We started flyball training with Paws of Thunder in Jan. 2005. They were a great group of people with talented trainers. We are now very fortunate to be part of the FOF club and continue to work to improve our skills and have fun.

Although I have owned some wonderful dogs in the past, but having never attempted any type of dog training, it has been great having Gypsy as such a willing partner . She seems to really enjoy performing the few tricks she has been taught and we are working on regulation obstacles in Novice agility in our spare time.

Photos by Mark Fletcher, Agile Images, Bobby Jones and a host of friends! This page is a work in progress!