I am I because my little dog knows me. - Gertrude Stein
  Amarillo By Morning



NAFA Points

AKA Heidi, Mighty Heidi, Heidi-Hoover, Heidi Ho

9/25/92 - 10/17/07
(NOTE FROM WEBMASTER: In no way could I sum up Heidi better than her own mom. These are Tracy's words upon Heidi's recent passing over the Rainbow Bridge. We'll miss you, little girl.)

Heidi's passion was flyball (next best thing to a full food dish). She first saw flyball as a puppy when we went to Astrohall to watch my sister show her dogs in obedience. Finally when she was 5, she had her shot when I took her to her first flyball practice with the Gulf Coast Mavericks. Nancy Garcia helped me train both Heidi and Rev at the same time. Six months later Heidi was in her first competition and she was hooked. Heidi raced until she was 14-1/2, competed in 4 different states, with numerous handlers, had her photo featured on both the NAFA and Region 5 websites, remains in the top 5 Pembroke Welsh Corgis racing in NAFA, was nominated twice for Region 5 MVP and retired as a Flyball Grand Champion in January of 2007. I am thankful that Ken Busi, ex-teammate and fellow Corgi owner, taped Heidi and her team at more than one tournament so I will never forget what an incredible athlete she was.

Heidi was one of a kind: smart, loving, sweet and kind to all humans, disdainful of other dogs, den mother/disciplinarian at home, and a bundle of love and wiggles around children. I was only 26 when she came into my life and she loved me through marriage, divorce, good times, and bad -- always with a smile, a nudge and a kiss. So more than being an amazing flyball competitor, she was my first dog love, my only girl, and a true friend. Here's to you, Miss Heidi, Heidi Hoover, Heidi Ho and, always and forever, my Mighty Heidi.

February '93 June '93 Memphis October '01 Colorado June '03 Colorado June '03 November '05 April '07 April '07
Rev Reverend's Mr. Black



NAFA Points

AKA Rev, Revster

DOB: 7/26/96
Rev is the reason Tracy is in flyball. While in a basic obedience training class, Rev was recruited for flyball by the Gulf Coast Mavericks. Tracy joined the team with Rev and Heidi and, four months later, Rev was in his first tournament and, despite a less than stellar performance in his first races, proved he was a flyball dog by the end of the 1 day tournament. Now, over 10 years later and approaching 12 years old, Rev is racing in the Veteran's divisions with the same love and joy for the sport he has shown throughout his career. Despite taking a back seat to Mighty Heidi during most of his career, Rev remains in the top 100 Australian Shepherds in NAFA and runs as consistently and faithfully as always. Rev is a true man's best friend, kind and gentle to humans and dogs alike...just keep him away from cats and the kitchen counter!
Memphis '06 Hutto April '07 Hutto April '07 Hutto April '07 Hutto April '07
Bean Jumpin' Bean


NAFA Points

AKA Bean, Beanie, Beanpole

DOB: 2/1/04
Jumping Bean was first rescued by Flat Out Flyer Leslie Cantrell. Bean was running the streets with a pack of other strays when he devised a plan to find his forever home. Abandoning his buddies, he dug into Leslie's backyard and tried to blend in with her own dogs. Leslie soon figured out his ploy but cleaned Bean up and then proceeded to sucker FOF friend Tracy Bunker (after 2 glasses of wine) into taking Bean home for a night... Two days later, he had a new name and a new home. After discovering Beanie liked to jump 6 foot fences (and climb trees), Tracy had a new 8 ft fence. Several years later, Bean is a fabulous flyball dog, brings laughter into Tracy's world and maintains a soft spot in Leslie's heart.
April'07 June '07 August '07 Memphis '06 Lure Coursing November '07 Lure Coursing November '07
Brown's Lil Tanner



NAFA Points

AKA Tanner, Tan-Man, Couch Potato, Schizoid

DOB: 8/18/02

Tanner was already 4 years old when he moved from Dallas to Houston to live with Tracy because he needed a new flyball home and the Flat Out Flyers needed a new height dog. Tracy had NEVER wanted a terrier, didn't need 4 dogs, and had a long-standing rule of no dogs on the furniture. However, she decided to "take one for the team." Well, Tracy is now in love with the crazy dog, found out there is always room for one more, allows the pesky dog free rein of the house AND the furniture, and is not quite sure how she slept without a dog in her bed for most of her life! While he still has room to grow, Tanner has proved to be quite the welcome addition to the Bunker household and the Flat Out Flyers as a trusty height dog!
April '07 April '07 April '07 June '07 June '07 June '07 June '07 Reliant '07

Photos by Mark Fletcher, Agile Images, Castoways Photography, Bobby Jones and a host of friends! This page is a work in progress!